Personal Training / Body Building / Athletic Optimization

Nutrition Plan Coaching

Health Coaching

Low Level LASER Therapy

Physical Rehabilitation

Personal Training / Bodybuilding / Athletic Optimization

You can sign up for Personal Training with or without LASER assistance. You can have a custom, personalized workout schedule/routine. I would suggest using LASER therapy to increase the speed of your gains. The optimal time to perform LLLT for pre-workout would be 5 minutes to 6 hours before you workout. I like to apply LASER 1 hour before working out because I have found that doing 1 hour gives your cells enough time to start producing more ATP, while still maintaining a pump.

If you use LASER as pre-workout, you can expect to see: 300% faster recovery speeds, increased strength up to 100%, modulation of muscle damage, increased stamina and endurance, lower lactate levels, lower DOMS, and increased performance by 30-40%! 

You can use the LASER before, during, and after bodybuilding competitions too! You can prepare for competitions by stimulating blood flow and oxygen to the desired muscles and enhancing their readiness for physical exertion by promoting tissue repair (which can increase flexibility and optimize ROM). If you use light therapy during the show, you can: reduce fatigue (increase endurance and intensity), and enhance neuromuscular function (increasing coordination and agility). If you use the LASER after you are done with the show, then you can: assist with recovery (accelerate tissue repair and decrease downtime), decrease inflammation and swelling, and decrease Creatine Kinase build up.   


Health Coaching

Your health includes more than just physical training or good nutrition. Mental health has been on the decline in the modern era, because of multiple reasons. Rest and recovery are commonly forgotten about, or they’re done too much. It is an important balance between work and rest to not burn out, or be bored from lack of stimulus. Spiritual health is forgotten by many people also. Have you been using positive affirmations? Do you say self-deprecating jokes? Words have power, so saying anything (even if you are only kidding) gives those statements energy, manifesting that for yourself. Coach Sam Glenn can help you with goal setting, mental blocks or plateaus, looking at situations from a different angle, and much more! 

Physical Rehabilitation

Every person will experience some sort of injury in their life at one point or another. Most people assume that you have to rest and not move, in order for time to heal all wounds. This is not entirely true. Active rest and recovery is important in order to get back to full health. Stretch in the opposite biomechanical ROMs. We have to put joints back into place when they roll out. Continuing mild activity levels will maintain your immune system, get your blood pumping to the damaged area (which will speed up the healing). 

Sam can lead your physical rehab process using specific exercises that will ensure you get back to full speed as optimally as possible. He can also use LLLT in order to speed up the healing rate of any injury that you can think of. If you are too tight in some areas, he can loosen up those muscles to relieve pain. If some muscles are too weak and imbalanced, he can strengthen the weak muscles and give you isolateral activities to rebalance. LASER therapy makes injuries a piece of cake to fix.  

Nutrition Plan Coaching

Would you like to learn about meal prepping? Did you realize that a good physique is 70% nutrition and 30% working out? You could go to the gym everyday and never see your abs because you are eating too much fat or calories in general. You could go to the gym everyday and never gain weight because you are not eating enough protein.  Do you know how much you should be eating for a bulk or cut? There are many questions that people think of when nutrition comes up, and this is partially because the food pyramid was misinformation spread by the big cereal companies. Ask Coach Sam Glenn about any questions that you may have, and we can schedule an intro session! We can make a nutrition plan together, so that way you can eat what you like and still be healthy! 

Low-Level LASER Therapy

You can sign up for LLLT with or without Sam’s other services. LASER therapy is a great addition to personal training or physical rehabilitation, but it is a stand-alone service too. Some people struggle with pain that can not be alleviated with stretching, or pain medicine. Fibromyalgia and shingles are great examples of this situation. LASER therapy can permanently reduce pain levels stemming from biochemical imbalances or inflamed neurons. Do you struggle with frequent headaches, and ibuprofen is not helping enough? LASER therapy can help that too! Pain from inflammation? LASER can reduce swelling and inflammation.    

Get in Touch

Phone: (912) 344-1114

IG: @coach_samglenn

YT: CoachSamGlenn

Email: [email protected]


Open Hours:

Mon - Fri — 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday — 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Sunday — Closed

The Holistic Body Shop - 117 Oglethorpe Professional Blvd Suite 1, Savannah, GA 31406

Day Chiropractic: 702 B, Mall Blvd, Savannah, GA 31406