About Sam

Coach Sam Glenn is a Laser therapist at The Holistic Body Shop and Day Chiropractic. He uses Multi Radiance Medical, class 1 LASERs, to relieve pain, assist in tissue repair, decrease inflammation, and more! 




Sam Glenn’s Story

Sam almost died during birth. He should have been a C section, but the doctor didn’t like to do C sections, so he was vacuumed out. The doctor was known as dr. Death behind his back, because he messed up 2 births before Sam. Sam was the third strike that made him lose his doctor’s license. Sam came out with the umbilical cord around his throat and was blue from lack of oxygen. He had a stroke and part of his brain died. He was put in the ICU unit for a week before his mother could hold him for the first time.

Sam was 17 years old when he learned that he has epilepsy, because of that fiasco.  He was driving his 13 year old brother home from school, and he seized on the highway. Once he went unconscious, his brother took control of the steering wheel and crashed the car against the guard rail. That day he learned that he has complex partial epilepsy, so he was inspired to learn about neuroscience in college. He got a bachelors in science at UTK, majoring in neuroscience and minoring in biological sciences.

After he graduated from college, he wanted to continue his education in health/wellness, so he became ISSA certified as: a personal trainer, a health coach, a body building specialist, and as a nutritionist. He struggled to be noticed, because the coaching industry is very oversaturated, but once he became a LASER technician at Day Chiropractic, everything changed. Now he has his niche! Now he can offer LLLT, which most other coaches and trainers can not do. He started his own business “Coach Sam Glenn LLC” and he is healing himself and the world using photobiomodulation! 

Sam’s Story as a Personal Trainer

Sam got his first ISSA Personal Trainer certificate shortly after he graduated from UTK with a BS in Neuroscience (in May of 2022). He had a quarter life crisis once he graduated, because he knew that he had to keep growing. He must not hit a wall and become sedentary. He wanted to go to grad school, but he wanted to build his resume before continuing his education. He decided to start a business! He chose ISSA (International Sports Science Association) instead of NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), because he knew that one day he was going to be coaching even outside of America! He was studying in Savannah GA (his home town) and he got a job as the General Floor Manager at the YMCA (in August of 2022). He did this to meet more people and to market his business to like-minded health/fitness individuals. He soon realized that the YMCA takes around 50% of what each personal trainer makes, because of insurance and gym equipment.

This was not a business model that Sam wanted to be apart of, so as he moved back to Knoxville (because his girl friend wanted to go home in October 2022) he applied to Club4Fitness to be a personal trainer. At this point, he had gotten the Body Building Specialist certification also. The gym did not take his application though, because of his disability. Sam does not drive anymore, because he already had two seizures while driving. He continued to work on his multiple certifications, undeterred by the denial. Eventually he split from his girl friend, and he moved back to Savannah GA (in February 2023). She did not believe in his business, and she claimed he was wasting his time and money on these certifications. Later on, all the health and fitness certifications helped him get his job as a LASER Technician at Day Chiropractic.         

Sam’s Story as a LASER Therapist

One day (in March 2023), when Sam went to the Savannah Ultimate Project, in Forsyth Park, he struck up a conversation with Judy Lombard. They connected over a talk about biochemistry and he learned that Judy is a sales rep for Multi Radiance Medical. She sells LASERs that cause the mitochondria to create more ATP so that cells can heal faster. Sam was baffled by this incredible technology, and he was very interested in learning more about phototherapy (and photobiomodulation). Judy was running her own business “Cold LASER for Pain” and she was employed at MRM (Multi Radiance Medical). She hired Sam to help her sell more LASERs (because she had no one helping her with her business), because of Sam’s history in sales and his biochemistry knowledge. He was a remote salesman for “The French Steel Company” at the time, and he had been a door-to-door salesman in the past. Judy connected Sam with Dr. Day (Day Chiropractic) because she was performing the LLLT for his clinic, even though she only wanted to sell the LASERs (not perform the therapy). Sam interviewed with Dr. Day (in April 2023), and he was impressed with Sam’s multiple certifications (Nutritionist, Health Coach, CPT, Body Building Specialist) and his degree (Neuroscience). Sam was hired as Day Chiropractic’s LASER Technician, and Judy trained Sam on how to use the LASER for different patients. 

Eventually Sam saved enough money to buy his own LASERs (in August 2023). Now he can perform LLLT to any of his own personal clients (not just Dr. Day’s patients), and he’s a step above all the other personal trainers. He is an independent contractor working with his business partner the “Organic Mechanic” (who started the “Holistic Body Shop”). Together they do hands on healing and LASER therapy, to heal the world! In one year, Sam had created a business and was happier than ever, getting to do his dream with his best friend. He sells and rents out LASERs. He performs LASER therapy, and he trains clients/patients to be their best selves!    

Coach Sam’s Mission & Vision

Sam believes that all people should keep their health and fitness as a priority in their life. He has invented the term “Omnifitness” because it is important to balance all sides of fitness. Too many people specialize in one aspect of training, like body building without flexibility training. Stop overspecializing, and train everything. Do calisthenics sometimes, and powerlift another day. Do plyometrics one training session, and do time under tension a different session. 

Sam also believes that low level LASER therapy should be accessible to everyone. LASER therapy is not as new as you might expect. A Danish physician, Niels Ryberg Finsen (the founder of phototherapy in dermatology), received a Nobel Prize for discovering that red light could energize and heal the skin in 1904. Ron Ignatius (a WCSAR engineer working with NASA) was studying how different light wavelengths would affect the growth rate of potatoes in space during the late 1980s. Using red and blue LEDs they accidently discovered that the scientists’ abrasions and cuts were healing faster. Ignatius reached out to Harry Whelan (a neurologist at the Medical College of Wisconsin) to investigate the medical applications of light. From 1995 to 2003 eight NASA SBIR funded experiments were conducted to test the medical uses of LEDs. In 2004 Multi Radiance Medical started commercializing LASER therapy.

Coach Sam Glenn can provide you with LASER therapy! Sign up for a LASER session, or a package of 10 sessions. Rent a LASER and Sam will teach you how to use it effectively, so you can do LLLT in your own time. Use LASER for athletic optimization, or for enhanced recovery speeds. Sam will heal the world! Will you help him?           

What Coach Sam Glenn Does

Frequently Asked Questions 

What should I do for my first treatment?

For every patient (if the LASER is not being used as pre-workout) 1000 Hz for 5 minutes (on the pain spot) is the first treatment. This will loosen tight muscles and increase ROM. 1000 Hz is used for a multitude of reasons, and it is the best frequency for the first session, in order to get used to LLLT. 

Should I use the LASER before and/or after my workout?

If you did the strength pre-workout at 250 Hz, then you can ONLY do LASER BEFORE you work out. If you are doing 50 Hz for the endurance/stamina pre-workout, then you can use the LASER after you work out also (50 Hz for the enhanced recovery). The LASER’s effects will be undone if the dosages are incorrect.

If you are trying to maximize volume and increase your strength and speed (fast twitch muscles), then use the LASER at 250 Hz (for 30-60 joules per muscle for small muscles ~ like the bicep ~ and 60-300 joules for big muscles ~ like the quadriceps ~ ) before you workout. If you are trying to enhance your recovery speed and inhibit DOMS, then use the LASER at 50 Hz (on an artery going towards the area for 5 min) AFTER you workout. If you want to increase your stamina and endurance for a workout, use 50 Hz on the specific muscle groups (for 3-5 minutes each) BEFORE you do cardio in that area.    

Is it possible to LASER too much?

Photobiomodulation works on a biphasic dose-response curve (Arndt-Schulz curve).

As you can see the low dosages are stimulatory, while high dosages become inhibitory. If you do too much, there will be no effect. I generally do 5 minutes per spot.

Be sure to wait 12 hours (or more) before reapplying LASER to the same area. Do not apply different frequencies to the same area in the same session (you will nullify the effects). 

You can build a tolerance to LASER therapy if you repeatedly do the same area for many days in a row (at least 1-2 weeks), but your tolerance will reset in a day or two.

Can LASER therapy burn me?

Coach Sam uses a class 1 LASER from MRM, so his LASER uses nonthermal energy. This means, that class 1 LASERs will not burn the skin (no matter the pigmentation). 

LASERs (for LLLT) are classified from class 1 to class 4 on the safety scale. Class 4 LASERs have more of a thermal effect on the skin, so they require professionals to be used, and they also must constantly be moved. If they are held in one spot for too long, they can burn the skin. If they are used on someone with darker pigmentation (or a tattoo) they could be burned easier. It is also required to use sun goggles to use Class 4 LASERs. Class 4 will heal you, but they are slightly more dangerous. 

How much does LASER therapy generally cost?

LLLT has a wide range of what it could cost. It is still a new technology, so the way people are charged typically depends on the distributor. Some clinics charge per “area” or “spot” being healed. Some clinics charge depending on the time the LASER is being used. The more expensive the LASER, the more expensive the treatment will be. 

Sessions usually go from 50-120 dollars depending on how many sessions the patient signs up for. The more sessions the client signs up for, the cheaper the individual sessions become. 


Is it ever too early or too late to apply LLLT?

LLLT can help acute injuries and chronic conditions. If you hurt yourself, you can apply 5-1000 Hz within 48 hours of the injury. This will reduce the pain, and speed up the healing process immediately. 

It is never too late to use LASER therapy, but the earlier you start working on the situation, the better. 


How does LLLT work?

Low Level LASER Therapy is absorbed by the chromophores in our mitochondria, which increases our natural ATP production. It allows our cells to have excess energy and oxygen for cellular respiration. When our cells have excess energy, they can regenerate tissue faster, and speed up other processes too. 

LLLT reduces ROS. It reduces inflammation and edema. It also reduces muscle atrophy. LLLT will increase angiogenesis and neovascularization. It will increase bone formation, collagen production and cartilage production. It can increase nerve regeneration and muscle regeneration too.     

What are the contraindications for LLLT?

There are specific cases where LASER therapy can be dangerous for the patient. THE LASER MUST NOT BE USED FOR ANY SPOTS ON/NEAR: cancer, hemorrhages, pregnancy, fever (100.4 or more F), in the vicinity of a pacemaker (the magnetic fields will interact), and do not treat directly into the eyes!

I made incredible results, incredibly fast! I couldn't believe my own eyes! The same day I tried LASER therapy, I made a PR in the gym!

Ben Jacques, Age 23

I sprained my left ankle by over pronation. Sam and I got to work on laser therapy starting Monday and I was tournament ready by Saturday, very close to 100% after 2 sessions. I believe in laser therapy and everyone should do it!

Kelly Ngo, 33

"I could not squat before this session!"

Tom Drake, Age 66

Get in Touch

Phone: (912) 344-1114

IG: @coach_samglenn

YT: CoachSamGlenn

Email: [email protected]


Open Hours:

Mon - Fri — 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday — 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Sunday — Closed

The Holistic Body Shop - 117 Oglethorpe Professional Blvd Suite 1, Savannah, GA 31406

Day Chiropractic: 702 B, Mall Blvd, Savannah, GA 31406